Creating the Ideal Sleep Environment for Your Child One of the most integral parts of setting the stage for improving your baby or child’s sleep environment is having the ideal sleep-friendly bedroom possible. Keep these simple tips in mind as you start... read more
Limiting Screen Time for Kids is a Challenge “Screen Time” is defined as the time your child spends in front of any screen (tv, tablet, smartphone, computer, or video game consoles) per day. The average screen time for children ranges between 3-7 hours daily, with... read more
How to prevent kids from getting poisoned As an emergency room doctor, I see overdoses of medications pretty frequently. Unfortunately, many medicines can cause illness and death in children. It’s a tragedy. Often toddlers think medication is candy. Help make... read more
As a parent to a newborn baby, you may have forgotten what the sound of silence is and, indeed, what it feels like to truly get a full night’s healthy sleep. Babies are notorious for not sleeping throughout the night, and as you know, a lack of sleep can be incredibly... read more
Let’s talk about baby sleep We are asked every day! Most often, it is asked by the sleep-deprived caregivers of even more sleep-deprived babies and children. Of course, every child is different, but there are some simple guidelines that we follow. Newborn... read more